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Oakville Trailers is proud to offer a full range of tire shop services to vehicle owners located in the greater Oakville area. Proper and regular tire maintenance is important not only to the performance of your vehicle, but to the affordability of your vehicle too. That`s right, properly maintained and inflated tires not only increase the durability of your tires, but they help your gas mileage too. With the cost of gas these days, your mileage can be very important to your bank account.
It`s wonderful to have tires that look great, but it doesn`t matter how great the tires look if they are not right for your vehicle. Tires that are too big or too small can actually do damage to your vehicle, and can absolutely kill your gas mileage. For that reason, tire selection is extremely important to the life span and performance of your vehicle. Our tire shop experts can help you select tires that not only look great, but that are right for your vehicle.
If your tire pressure is too low or too high, you can hurt your vehicle`s performance. Not only that, improperly inflated tires can be very, very dangerous. Proper tire pressure has to be maintained when you operate your car. If you aren`t sure what tire pressure your tires require, our staff will be glad to help. We are a full service Oakville tire shop, and we pride ourselves on our excellent customer service.
Over the years, we`ve answered many questions about tires, from performance and maintenance to simple tire pressure questions. In our FAQ section, we answer many of the most common questions about tires that we`ve been asked over the years. If your question isn`t answered in this section, please feel free to contact us. We`ll be more than happy to help.